Press articles and releases
A new report published today by independent consultancy Opinion Research Services (ORS) directly questions the growth needs proposed as the basis for the Oxfordshire Plan 2050 currently being prepared. [Download the full report - PDF)
Well, CDWA has now had its day (and a half) in Court: 23/24 June. The hearing was before Mrs Justine Thornton DBE. Only a few members of the CDWA committee were allowed to view on the very limited court video link. There was a static video camera which focused solely on the judge. We were however able to send ‘WhatsApp’ messages to our legal team. Our Grounds were (1) that the Inspector, in judging that there were exceptional circumstances to develop in the Green Belt, failed to take into...
The Judicial review will take place Weds and Thursday 23-24th of June. All is ready. We are confident that our case is as strong and well presented as can be. We understand it could be a few months before the Judge releases the decision. We hope the court will find in our favour and throw out the Local Plan. Let common sense prevail ! Meanwhile our press campaign continues .... with thanks to the Oxford TImes and Oxford Mail for today's coverage.
A High Court ruling has granted permission for a judicial review to go ahead of Cherwell District Council`s Local Plan Partial Review. The Plan Review (LPPR), initiated in 2015, proposes the building of 4,400 houses on Oxford`s Green Belt to the north of the city. The Honourable Mrs. Justice Lang, sitting in the Planning Court of the Queen`s Bench on 11 February, directed that Cherwell Development Watch Alliance (CDWA) could proceed to a full court hearing with the application it made to the...
CDWA's legal challenge made headlines in the local press and in planning circles shortly after being lodged with the courts.
Cherwell Development Watch Alliance, an organisation of five local associations which has been opposing Cherwell District Council`s Local Plan (Part 1) Partial Review, has filed a claim in the High Court challenging its adoption by the Council. Notice of the claim was served on Cherwell and the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities & Local Government last Friday 16th October, alleging that the decision on 7th September to adopt the Partial Review was unlawful. Unless stayed by the...
Urban sprawl needs to be halted "Above all, get involved in the conversation; make your views widely known. It is your children’s and your grandchildren’s well being, that is at stake". see article in Oxford Mail, 25th May 2018.
A first person piece by Giles Lewis, chair of the Begbroke and Yarnton Action Group
Suzanne McIvor speaks to the Oxford Mail about the emerging news of Oxford University' plans to develop the land for it's own purposes.