Letters to decision makers

Letters to decision makers · 06. June 2020
Our Chairman, Giles Lewis examines the value of green open spaces and the inherent political contradictions in current Green Belt policies.
Letters to decision makers · 29. May 2020
We urge Oxford University's leaders to reconsider their plans to expand into the Green Belt
Letters to decision makers · 22. May 2020
We urge the Minister to honour election pledges to protect the Green Belt and call in the City and Cherwell Local Plans
Letters to decision makers · 11. May 2020
Caroline Johnson explains why Cherwell's Local Plan review is all about the University and Colleges, NOT Oxfords' housing needs.
Letters to decision makers · 28. April 2020
A message from the Cherwell Development Watch Alliance sent to all Oxfordshire Councillors In a planet-wide environmental breakdown that has contributed directly to the emergence of the Coronavirus pandemic, the preservation of our Green Belt is surely a `no-brainer`?
Letters to decision makers · 30. May 2019
Important new evidence from CDWA shows that Oxford City's Local Plan is based on flawed calculations of housing need. Hence the removal of Green Belt is not justified.